We are pleased to announce a new online system to replace NEON. If you have an up-to-date membership in NEON, it will transfer to the new system (called ENGAGE) in the next week or so (we hope by Sept 1, 2022 at the latest. This software is built for churches, so some of the language is a bit “churchy” while we are customizing it for us…but we feel that this mission-based approach to our software is actually closer to how IDT works!
ENGAGE is “up and running” enough to accept your Audition registration for Nutcracker, your Performance Fees and any Membership you want to either add to or renew…so we strongly encourage you to follow these 3 easy steps to create an account.
1) go to this link: https://engage.suran.com/idt or use this QR CODE

2) click create an account (under the “SIGN IN” button)
3) follow the instructions to set up an account (and write down or save your password because you are in control of that password now, meaning you now have the option to change or recover your password if you forget it)
Once you are logged-in to your account, click the three lines next to your name in the upper right corner to see a drop-down menu of things you may be able to do in your account (right now much of what is showing is still in development) be sure to scroll down to the red banner reading EVENTS and pick “New Registration” and that will give you the option to register for the audition, or to pay the other Nutcracker fees.
This is the best way to register for the audition time(s) you want for your family. You can pay your entire family’s audition fees by Credit Card or ACH in one fell swoop, or choose “pay later” and bring either a check or cash to the audition.
Here are the top 3 reasons I could think of…surely you will find others as we all get used to the ENGAGE system
1) You only have to enter your personal information once and done (logging in will auto fill all much of your registration)
2) You control your password, and can view all the items you’ve purchased and what you’ve registered for as a family.
3) It’s going to be easier in the long run to have an account that will be used year to year and show to show for as long as you still love IDT and want to donate to the mission!
If you need any help getting logged in to the ENGAGE account here’s a video that will help you get set up!